Does your back hurt today?

Beyond Diet Newsletter
I can't believe how many times people have said to me "Oh, I can't do those exercises. I have a bad back." Yeah, you and nearly half a million people around the globe. Chances are you or someone you know has said once or twice "Ah, my aching back."

What many people may not know about me is during my 11 years of personal training, I became a bit of a back specialist. I didn't really pick this specialty on purpose, it just happened "by accident." You see, my clients would come with the purpose of losing weight and getting into better shape, but would somehow relieve their bad backs in the process.

Was it the exercise? The stretching? Their new sense of health and well being? Maybe, but I would strongly argue that their change in diet had more to do with it than any of those other combined.

Oh boy Isabel. That's a bit of a stretch isn't it?

Now, hear me out on this..

Medical professionals are now starting to realize the direct correlation between chronic internal inflammation in the body and conditions such as arthritis, back pain and fibromyalgia. Internal inflammation is a lot like external inflammation but you can't see it so it is not as obvious to us. When you sprain your ankle, your body's natural response is to signal pain (so you won't keep moving and cause more damage) and will also cause inflammation in the injured area (again, so you'll just lie on the couch and chill out). It will also direct fresh blood, antibodies, and vital cells to the area to aid in the healing process. This sounds all fine and dandy but when your body creates inflammation and pain signals in your lower back, sometimes debilitating you for the day, it is not so fine and dandy anymore. You've been there right?

I have had plenty of people look at me like I was crazy when I tried to tell them that if they just eliminated "inflammatory foods" from their meal plans, a lot of the pain would go away. Especially medical professionals who have been so accustomed to just prescribing surgery or pain medications to alleviate bad backs. But I have seen it happen right before my eyes time and time again. People eliminate inflammatory foods like wheat, dairy and sugar, and voilĂ 

...Back pain gone in a few weeks.

I was reading this article by Steve Hefferon, from the Healthy Back Institute, and I love how he gives a detailed chart on exactly which foods to eat and which foods to avoid to control internal inflammation. As a result, controlling inflammation will help to alleviate back pain. He also goes into some other great "lifestyle" tips that are absolutely necessary, not only for pain control, but healthy weight loss as well.

The Healthy Back Institute's "Lose The Back Pain" system is the only program I recommend for back pain sufferers. Their system for assessing and analyzing the cause of your back pain is so precise, I have even recommended it to non-back pain sufferers for preventative purposes.

If you are currently struggling to follow your exercise program because of nagging back pain, this is the perfect place to start. Find out if the "Lose The Back Pain" system is exactly what you have been looking for to alleviate back pain and get started on a great workout program today.

You'll want to investigate the "Lose The Back Pain" system for yourself if you value ridding yourself of back pain. Do this from the same site immediately after you print out the chart of foods and lifestyle tips I mentioned above at this link:
Inflammation Foods by Lose the Back Pain

I know you'll enjoy this great article as much as I did.

You can also get a copy of Jesse Cannone's "7 Day Back Pain Cure" book, completely FREE (just pay shipping and handling) here:

No More back Pain

Have a great, pain free day!

In health and happiness,

Isabel De Los Rios
Certified Nutritionist
Certified Exercise Specialist

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