How to get six packs Abs

Many people around the world wonder how to get the Perfect Six pack abs. The answer is not difficult and the steps to follow are straight forward.
You will read a lot of articles about getting those perfect abdominals, you will come across tons of Abs Fat burning pills which might or might not work, that is the subject of another article. For now we are going to give you the secret to the perfect well shaped 6 packed abdominals.
In order to get the great looking six packs you need to do two main thing: First you need to strengthen your abdominal muscles and second you need to lose your body fat.
In theory, this is very simple, but acting upon the steps listed below can be tricky. You must follow everyone of the suggestions below, failing in one or two can get you into the risk of not reaching those six packs you are dreaming about.
You must have dedication, patience and strong will to get those six pack abs.
1- Start by Building Muscles and you can do that by following the exercises below:
Crunches Exercises
Leg Lift Exercises
Sit Up Exercises
Oblique Muscle Exercises
Jackknife Sit Up Exercises
V-up Exercises
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2- Lose Fat from your body by following the steps below:
Keep your Metabolism Steady
Eat less food for dinner
Eat Fiber and grains
Have a proper Breakfast
Drink a large amount of Water
Lift Weights and exercise regularly 
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Ditch Those Misconceptions On How To Get Washboard Style Abs Fast

The abs are a rather special part of your body. Getting them looking great isn’t the same as getting your biceps or triceps huge. Yet a vast amount of people start working on their abs as though they’re any other body part, using techniques for things they’re not intended for. But if you truly want those washboard abs, the first thing you need to do is drop all those misconceptions so you can approach your body in a way that will get you meaningful results.
Let’s begin with ab-specific exercises. There are no exercises that will specifically drop the fat from your abs but not from the rest of your body. No, if you want to trim down, you’re going to have to do it the hard way: through good old-fashioned cardio and other methods that slim your whole body. There’s simply no other realistic options. Once you’re on a program that will take you to your ideal fat level, there’s definitely a place for exercises just for your abs, to bulk up their muscles. But that’s not the top priority in your exercise scheme, and overdoing it can actually damage your tissues. Ab exercises two to three times a week is plenty. And when you’re picking out those exercises, don’t just go for endless crunches and situps. Work smarter, not harder, by doing fewer repetitions of more effective exercises on ab-focused equipment such as the exercise ball.
A lot of people won’t connect good abs with dieting, but honestly, a healthy diet is just as important as cardio for defining your abs. It’s not just about how much fat you work out of your body, but how much fat you put in, too. If you’re eating a lot of junk foods, you’re going to have to exercise that much harder to get your abs looking the way you want. Very few people in the standard Western society environment are physically active enough to match their diets. So, drop the sweets and switch to whole grains and fruits and vegetables. No one likes hearing it, but just like cardio, it’s the only honest answer you’ll ever get. While you don’t have to turn into a vegetarian, you do have to reduce your meat intake and cook that meat in a healthy manner.
Once you’ve stepped out of the misconception that there’s a ‘get good abs’ quick solution, you’ll be able to address things with a realistic lifestyle. If you’re ready for it, you really can have those abs you want… but you have to work for it and make it a part of your lifestyle. Temporary measures are always doomed to failure.

Try This Little Trick To Get Incredible Abs

Incredible abs: almost every man secretly wants them, and most women wish they had a man with them. But they seem so completely impossible for the typical man to attain! Yet, the principles behind getting truly ripped abs aren’t as unobtainable as you’d think. By understanding the role balance has to play in the development of our core muscles, you can exercise relatively little to get a lot of ab growth.
The torso contains quite a lot of important muscles, but the visually obvious one that you’re thinking of when you think of ‘abs’ is the rectus abdominus. The job of this muscle isn’t to keep you upright, but to keep the spine bent forward when you want it bent. However, by making it more difficult to keep yourself balanced, you can put more pressure on your rectus abdominus.
Why would you want to do that? Because the more pressure you put on that muscle, the faster it grows, assuming a healthy fitness regimen. Crunches and situps are what you’re probably trying to get your abs ripped with… but it’s not working too well, is it? And that’s because those kinds of exercises don’t destabilize your balance enough to make your rectus abdominus work hard. To get that necessary destabilization, you need equipment.
This equipment can be as simple and cheap as an exercise ball, or it can be a fabulously expensive and efficient captain’s chair. There are several other machines for similar purposes that can all typically be found in any well-equipped gym. If you don’t want to buy these things, how about a gym or fitness club membership instead? The point with all these items is all the same: keep your body moving on a simple, basic series of movements as exercise while your primary stability is deprived of you. There’s no way to really work out your abs without forcing them to work out, by deliberately placing them in a situation that deprives them of their usual crutches.
This is obviously harder work than doing a few crunches in the morning every day. The advantages, however, are scientifically proven and objectively outweigh doing more exercise in a less efficient way. Especially when combined with just some light, basic fat-melting cardio, you’ll find that these techniques can give you wonderful abs quicker than you would have thought possible.
So get out there and give it a try, if you dare. Those dreams abs don’t have to remain a dream forever.

The Six Pack Secret To Hollywood Abs

The One True Lifestyle for Washboard Abs
It’s not easy to get dreamy washboard abs, and many of you who gaze at magazine covers longingly may believe that you’re even completely unable to achieve that look. You can get there too, but it takes lots of hard work, consistency, and above all else… knowing what kind of lifestyle you need in the first place!
If you go about your fitness routine the wrong way, you’ll end up sweating away for nothing. Instead of treating yourself so harshly, why not get started right by informing yourself on that proper lifestyle beforehand? We’ll spill all the secrets for you right here, right now.
Your lifestyle needs to start with cardio. Yes, that’s right, CARDIO IS THE BEGINNING OF YOUR JOURNEY TO NEW ABS… not ab-based exercises! If some form of cardio isn’t in your life four or five days a week, you might as well not be bothering entirely. That’s because burning off the fat that’s covering your abs is as important as developing your abs!
The next step is, of course, healthy eating and keeping yourself hydrated. Plenty of water a day will give you the fuel you need to keep going through your routine, and the right low-fat foods will make that essential task of losing fat easier.
The better you do on this end, the less difficult the exercise end of things will be. But no matter how well you eat, you can’t get great abs without exercise, and no matter how hard you exercise, you can’t get great abs without eating right!
What’s the very last ingredient of the one true way to Hollywood movie star abs? It’s the ab-based exercises, of course. These will actually take up a relatively small amount of space in your schedule, only needing to be done a few times a week.
Using gym equipment like the power tower can make the process even easier, but if you don’t have access to such things, go with the good old reliable crunch. There are over a dozen different ab-based exercises available even discounting those that require equipment, so feel free to mix it up a little. You can have fun with it, so long as your abs are feeling the burn!
All these put together make the lifestyle that gives even the greatest movie stars and body builders great abs… missing any one element will ruin the entire result! So do like they do, and get your life moving in the right direction in all aspects if you really want those ripped abs.
Tired of gadgets like the absonic belt? If you want the REAL truth on which exercises truly help burn fat the fastest, using the least amount of effort, then read these 3 tips to losing weight fast for less money and in less time.

5 Easy To Find Foods That Will Detox Your Liver Naturally

Five Great Foods That Will Keep Your Liver from Conking Out
Ask anyone how healthy the typical Western diet is, and they’re likely to say ‘Not very!’ One of the first organs to fall victim to bad eating is the liver, due to its many functions and variety of stresses placed upon it. If you want your liver to still be healthy and to work with your metabolism, you’ll have to add a little something special to your diet.
However, these additions don’t need to be huge alterations to your lifestyle. Most of the things that will keep your liver going for the long haul are perfectly ordinary foods that cost less than what you’re already eating!
Fruits known for being high in antioxidants are one of the key things your liver needs.
This can be fresh fruit or fresh fruit juice, but shouldn’t generally be processed fruit products. This is because processed food tends to process out all the useful nutrients while adding in sugars and other unhealthy additives that are little better than junk food.
Prunes, raisins, apples, and various kinds of berries such as strawberries are highly preferable and can be eaten as regular snacks or turned into beverages in juice form.
If fruits aren’t something you fancy, then there are other plant-based options for a meal that makes your liver happy. Like salads? Then you might want to try adding in some chicory, dandelion greens, or endive.
These are versatile ingredients that can be added in small, non-obtrusive amounts to most kinds of salads. Therefore they’re one of the least demanding of pro-liver foods you can add into your life.
Onions and garlic are two flavorful favorites that can add a lot to a meal, and unlike most strongly-flavored ingredients don’t have a negative impact on the liver. However, you don’t get the same benefits from just using a powder or flavor supplement based on these vegetables. Use the real thing, or don’t bother.
You might notice that all of these suggested foods are plant-based. It’s true that there are very few meat-based foods that your liver needs.
However, if you stick to lean varieties of meat and eat it only moderately, you’ll find that your liver can handle pretty much anything reasonable that you throw at it. Make sure that you also consume healthy calves liver also. So don’t feel the need to become a vegetarian!
As a final cautionary note, don’t forget to avoid excessive alcohol, which is a definite bane of your poor long-suffering liver. You can remove the liver-harming elements by using it as a cooking agent instead of drinking it directly.
So you see, there are plenty of ways to include all the things you normally enjoy in a liver-healthy life… without really needing to give up the flavors that make life worth living!
If you want the REAL truth on eating the correct foods for permanent fat loss, read these 7 tips to losing weight fast the smart and effective way. You can also watch our video on a strange tip on how to slim down fast by clicking here.
Enjoy, and good luck with your nutrition endeavors!

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The 3 Best Abdominal Exercises that Are NOT Your "Normal" Ab Exercises

unique ab workout that doesn't contain your typical boring stomach exercises - no crunches or situps here!
by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Author of best-seller:  The Truth about Six Pack Abs

Instead of the typical ab routines that we see so often with crunches, situps, leg lifts, etc... I like to give my readers better options for metabolism-boosting high intensity workouts that work their entire body while also working their abs... thus building rock hard abs & core, but also creating a much better fat-burning workout than a typical ab workout.
I'm going to show you an example today of one of my favorite "ab workouts" that doesn't include any direct "ab exercises" at all. This is actually a full body workout that works your abs pretty hard indirectly, and stimulates a good metabolism boost!  It's in a tri-set format (similar to a super-set but alternating between 3 exercises).
Here goes:
1a. Renegade Dumbbell Rows
1b. Front Squats with Barbell
1c. Mountain Climbers on Floor
A good rep scheme to use with this could be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, or more sets for less reps, such as 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise. Mountain climbers can be done for a time interval (such as 30 seconds) instead of "reps".
Exercise Pics & Descriptions:
Renegade dumbbell rows are done starting in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. You then row one dumbbell up while stabilizing your body with the other arm. Bring the dumbbell back to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the opposite arm. This stabilizing effect during the rows creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area. Trust me... you'll feel it in the abs!

 renegade rows start position for solid core
renegade rows - great ab & core exercise
Renegade Rows shown above
Front squats are done similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. You stabilize the barbell on your shoulders by crossing your arms and pushing your fists into the bar against your shoulders while keeping your elbows out in front of the body.
This takes a little practice at first, so you will want to seek a professional trainer at your gym to help you with the form. Front squats require extreme stabilization strength from the abs due to the barbell weight being shifted to the front of the body instead of the back. Even though this is mostly a leg exercise, you'll feel this one in the abs big time!

 front squats start position for rock hard abs
front squats - surprisingly good abdominal exercise
Front squats shown above
Mountain climbers are done by starting in a pushup position and then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. It sort of resembles climbing a mountain but flat on the floor. If you want an advanced version, you can also shuffle your hands 8-10 inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements. This really makes it a full body exercise and MUCH more difficult than standard mountain climbers.

mountain climbers ab exercise start
mountain climbers - great ab exercise
Mountain Climbers shown above
After finishing each exercise, rest about 30 seconds before starting the next exercise. Rest about 1-2 minutes after completing each "tri-set" before repeating.
This will give you one of the best ab workouts you've ever had without even doing any direct ab exercises.... and with a LOT more fat-burning metabolic effect compared to standard ab exercises...  You'll see what I mean after you try it!

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