Healthy Dessert... Is that even possible?

If you're anything like me (and thousands of other people), your whole
 life comes to a screeching halt at the mere mention of a chocolate cake,
 key lime pie or a chocolate chip cookie.

Yes, I love me a delicious dessert every now and again, but I know
that in order to maintain my 30 pound
 weight loss and continue to enjoy life in a healthy body, it's just not
 something I can do on a regular basis.

So I've come up with a few strategies that help me curb my nasty
 sweet tooth when it rears its ugly
 head...baked apples with cinnamon in the oven, herbal tea
sweetened with stevia, or fruit salad with a
 little raw honey drizzled on top.

But sometimes these just don't cut it for some people. They're
looking for a yummy piece of cake or
 cookie or brownie. Is there any way to have that and still keep
 it healthy?

I decided to do a little research and figure out some good ways
 to bake and create some healthy and
 delicious desserts without all of the usual sugar and flour that
 goes into making most of them.

I was so excited to share these recipes with you today that I
 haven't gotten the chance to try them out
 myself yet (but now you know what I will be doing this

Give some of these a try and then be sure to email me so
 we can compare notes. I'm also going to
 ask my husband to give me his honest opinion on them
 (Poor guy, he will be sampling desserts all
 weekend, don't you feel bad for him?)


Chocolate Cookies

Strawberry Shortcake

Basic Whipped Cream Recipe (as a once in a while treat)

Please remember that even though these desserts are far better
 than most store bought or bakery treats,
 they should still be eaten in moderation. One piece or treat
1-2 times per week is enough to satisfy
 anybody's sweet craving and will not deter you from continuing to
 achieve your weight loss and
 health goals.

Ok, I'm off for now. Happy baking!
In health and happiness,

Does your back hurt today?

I can't believe how many times people have said to me "Oh, I can't
 do those exercises. I have a bad back." Yeah, you and nearly half
 a million people around the globe. Chances are you or someone you
 know has said once or twice "Ah, my aching back."

What many people may not know about me is during my 11 years of
 personal training, I became a bit of a back specialist. I didn't really
 pick this specialty on purpose, it just happened "by accident." You
see, my clients would come with the purpose of losing weight and
getting into better shape, but would somehow relieve their bad
backs in the process.

Was it the exercise? The stretching? Their new sense of health and
 well being? Maybe, but I would strongly argue that their change in
 diet had more to do with it than any of those other combined.

Oh boy Isabel. That's a bit of a stretch isn't it?

Now, hear me out on this..

Medical professionals are now starting to realize the direct correlation
 between chronic internal inflammation in the body and conditions such
 as arthritis, back pain and fibromyalgia. Internal inflammation is a lot
 like external inflammation but you can't see it so it is not as obvious to
 us. When you sprain your ankle, your body's natural response is to
signal pain (so you won't keep moving and cause more damage) and
 will also cause inflammation in the injured area (again, so you'll just lie
 on the couch and chill out). It will also direct fresh blood, antibodies,
and vital cells to the area to aid in the healing process. This sounds all
 fine and dandy but when your body creates inflammation and pain
signals in your lower back, sometimes debilitating you for the day, it
 is not so fine and dandy anymore. You've been there right?

I have had plenty of people look at me like I was crazy when I tried
 to tell them that if they just eliminated "inflammatory foods" from
 their meal plans, a lot of the pain would go away. Especially
medical professionals who have been so accustomed to just
 prescribing surgery or pain medications to alleviate bad backs.
 But I have seen it happen right before my eyes time and time
 again. People eliminate inflammatory foods like wheat, dairy
 and sugar, and voilĂ 

...Back pain gone in a few weeks.

I was reading this article by Steve Hefferon, from the Healthy
 Back Institute, and I love how he gives a detailed chart on
exactly which foods to eat and which foods to avoid to
control internal inflammation. As a result, controlling
inflammation will help to alleviate back pain. He also goes into
 some other great "lifestyle" tips that are absolutely necessary,
 not only for pain control, but healthy weight loss as well.

The Healthy Back Institute's "Lose The Back Pain" system is the
 only program I recommend for back pain sufferers. Their system
 for assessing and analyzing the cause of your back pain is so
precise, I have even recommended it to non-back pain sufferers
 for preventative purposes.

If you are currently struggling to follow your exercise program
 because of nagging back pain, this is the perfect place to start.
 Find out if the "Lose The Back Pain" system is exactly what
you have been looking for to alleviate back pain and get started
 on a great workout program today.

You'll want to investigate the "Lose The Back Pain" system for
 yourself if you value ridding yourself of back pain. Do this from
 the same site immediately after you print out the chart of foods
 and lifestyle tips I mentioned above at this link:
Inflamation Foods by Lose the Back Pain

I know you'll enjoy this great article as much as I did.

Have a great, pain free day!

In health and happiness,

Don't afraid of your fat belly

"Fat stomach"How can i find answer for lose my fat belly?
Both people in the world,they really afraid of there fat belly and they think they haven't answer for it.But it is really wrong.These days many people work full of the day in there place always sitting on the table.Because they must work full day for earn money.They have not time for think their body.It mean they haven't time to exercise,so finally fat grow in there body,specially over the stomatch.
But don't affraid,you have something to do for reduce You'r ugly fat belly.specially you must know "What happend and how is start growing fat in you'r body".Then you can find the answer for fat abs.I will give you some helpfull narations for fat belly and some answers for reduce fat stomach.

What is the main thing for fat belly?

Yes,What is the main reason of growing fat around your stomach?Yes it is foods,But don't miss understand foods are not enemy for your abs.
   If you are not getting foods correctly that is the way for fat you want to know "how i reduce my fat abs?"
don't worry.It has a main 2 answers.

   But you have to know correct path for get sexy flat abs with these 2 ways,If you do correct diet plan and correct excercises you can lose fat belly in few weeks.

Alkaline Diet: Is Support to Reduce Fat Belly?

The alkaline diet has been rapidly becoming a well-liked way of eating among people who would like to lose fat. At the same time, the alkaline diet is appealing to people who need to improve energy and resolve chronic ailments. But is the alkaline diet really all it is cracked up to be? Hi, my name is Kate, and at this time I just want to talk about a number of the virtues of the alkaline diet. To start with, the alkaline diet promotes food items that are abundant in dietary fiber, but low in calories — and that implies that the alkaline diet is exactly the way you want to eat to attain and preserve a optimal weight. A second effect is that ingesting an abundance of alkaline-forming food items provides your internal environment the elements it requires for natural energy. The alkaline diet usually emphasizes whole foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber. These ingredients are assimilated slowly by the gastrointestinal tract, providing stable, long-lasting energy. Additionally, this type of diet program results in a wholesome acid-alkaline equilibrium, and this in turn helps your cellular energy factories to function at an optimal level. A third benefit of the alkaline diet is that it may help to prevent some of the bad side effects of getting older, such as bone loss and muscle wasting. When your body gets overly acidic, it attempts to restore correct pH balance by pulling out alkaline-forming minerals from your bone and muscle tissue. But if you eat a properly balanced diet, your internal environment is naturally in balance. By adopting the alkaline diet, you concurrently give your body loads of minerals, and in addition assist it to keep those minerals inside your body where they belong, as opposed to voiding them along with your urine. Last, the alkaline diet is an effective approach for weight loss. This nutritional strategy can even allow you to gain vitality and forestall many chronic health problems.